Gifted Student Ability Measure (GSAM) Test

Identify gifted and talented school students

Australian designed and produced, GSAM enables accurate and timely identification of Gifted and High Potential students.

GSAM is designed to enable placement in extension classes and gifted programs. Alternatively, it can identify students for extension and enrichment programs within or alongside mainstream classes.

Our Gifted and Talented tests

  • Rigorous test development processes to ensure validity and reliability

  • Developed by our highly skilled Australian psychometrician and a team of experienced test item writers

  • Focused on higher order thinking and problem-solving skills

  • Designed to identify students in the top 10 – 15% of the population with the capability of specifying within the top 5%

  • Trialled and normed on Australian students

  • Administered securely by AAS staff to ensure test items are not able to be accessed by coaching colleges

  • Above current year level to better discriminate between highly able students.

  • Normed on representative Australian students.

  • Are secure – preventing the likelihood of coaching.

  • Are administered by AAS staff to protect security and validity.

  • Provide unique reporting features via our Online Reporting System.

Click below to download the GSAM brochure