PSAM Analysis & Forecaster:
Estimate & Predict ATAR Scores

PSAM Analysis: Estimate ATAR Scores

PSAM Analysis (Post-Secondary Academic Measure) provides schools in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland with a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of Year Twelve results. 

Tertiary Entrance bodies around Australia scale Year 12 marks to generate ATARs for tertiary entry.  PSAM provides schools with accurate estimates of these scaled scores for individual students in each program of study.  When coupled with baseline measures of ability (such as AAS Test profiles) schools have both a fair and valid mechanism for the comparative analysis of student performance – both between subjects and from one cohort to another.

Our schools use quantitative PSAM data to support academic interventions to enhance teaching and learning.  Trends in data over time can be used to evaluate the success of particular interventions.

The insights gained from these analyses can lead to enhanced academic outcomes for subsequent cohorts.

An equivalent analysis is also provided for International Baccalaureate programs within our schools. Comparative statistics allow schools to provide targeted advice regarding the advantages of either traditional or IB programs for individual students.

PSAM Forecaster: Predict ATAR Scores

PSAM Forecaster is a new program designed to provide forecasts of scaled scores at intervals throughout the final year of senior study.  The program utilises a mix of classical and artificial intelligence models to achieve accurate forecasts for the diversity of patterns of study.  Schools are able to use the forecasts to identify students at risk of underperformance and provide timely interventions.


  • Systematically track Year 12 performances over time

  • Use valid data to make informed academic decisions

  • Analyse differences in performance

  • Use scaling data to support students in selecting appropriate patterns of study.

  • Analyse the success of interventions

Click below to download the PSAM brochure